Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Baha'i Blogging Challenge - Inspiration from the Universal House of Justice

Universal House of Justice, Haifa, Israel
On Wednesday, April 19, 2017, we received a message from the Universal House of Justice forwarded by email from our Baha’i friends located in several clusters across Canada.

The Ridvan message was inspiring.

We've been travelling across British Columbia and the Prairies for nearly three years and have witnessed how the friends are enveloped in the fundamentals of the Plan and how a large number of them are ‘acting on its requirements, and demonstrating rigour in the quality of their response.’

Along the way, we’ve met with believers who are reservoirs of knowledge and resources and with open hearts provided us with their experience and insight.

We take our inspiration from the Universal House of Justice 2017 Ridvan message and apply its objectives to our clear purpose, to meet as many isolated Baha'is as possible and to meet as many new friends as God's guidance allows.

Viewed aright, this year presents the single greatest worldwide opportunity there has ever been for connecting hearts to Bahá’u’lláh. ~ Universal House of Justice 2017 Ridvan Message

Monday, November 27, 2017

Baha'i Blogging Challenge - The Gift of Listening

The Golden Rule poster
Over the years we’ve learned that everyone has a story to tell. One of most respectful gestures we can provide is to listen. Some months ago, on our walk around the Central Alberta community, we met several people at the row of mailboxes. All of the folks in this area pick up their mail there and we made a serious effort to meet as many neighbours as we could, including the Canada Post delivery lady.

We’ve had some delightful conversations including how far some travel to attend church and how some unique religions, like the Two By Twos, are familiar in the area. We listened to their comments and secured a great deal about their tolerance of others and appreciation of their faith.

On occasion, we got to express that as Baha’is we are expected to acquire more knowledge about our Faith by searching truth for ourselves and to listen to others. 

“Religion is the outer expression of the divine reality. Therefore it must be living, vitalized, moving and progressive. If it be without motion and non-progressive it is without the divine life; it is dead.” – Abdu’l-Baha

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Baha'i Blog Challenge - The Day of the Covenant

9-pointed star
It was our distinct pleasure to be asked by the Minister of the United Church in Sicamous, British Columbia to describe to the group gathered at the service today about the Baha’i Faith.

I described briefly that the Baha’i Faith is focused on unity and the purpose of sharing Baha’u’llah’s messages from God are to help guide the earth’s humans to enjoy the privileges of His gifts. 

“You might be pleased to know that today, The Day of the Covenant, is a commemoration of Baha’u’llah’s appointment of His eldest son, Abdu’l-Baha as His successor,” I added.

Later, when the congregation gathered for fellowship, my husband and I had the opportunity to share that Baha’is are committed to remaining united, rather than fragmenting into different sects.

We look forward to attending their service regularly and conducting a Devotional afterwards.

Life is good!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Baha'i Blogging Challenge - Bringing up the Topic of God

Treasure your gifts from God
We spent another hour with our friend who is living in the extended care wing of the local hospital. We are familiar now with some of the other patients being cared for and we’ve shared upbeat open-ended conversations with several of them. One discussion began with one of the aids while she was putting her patient’s hair into a ponytail. The three of us talked about long hair versus short hair and it drew a gathering of more women. I found myself thinking of Baha’u’llah’s words “…complete victory should be achieved through speech and utterance.” 

I said, "God’s provided you with a beautiful head of hair."

She smiled in agreement and described how she had inherited it from her father. We spent the next fifteen minutes talking about gifts from God. Our conversation was interrupted by the chime of the lunch bell. 

We continued to make a habit of chatting with the other occupants of the gentle care facility throughout our four-month stay in the community.

If he teaches because of God’s Will that God be known – and for that reason only – he will receive knowledge and wisdom, and his words will have effect – being made powerful by the Holy Spirit – and will take root in the souls of those who are in the right condition to receive them. – Abdu’l-Baha

Friday, November 24, 2017

Baha'i Blog Challenge - Strangers and Handshakes

Adopt-a- Neighbour

It was our great pleasure to meet two of our neighbours. We had uplifting conversations with both and received an invitation from one to join a local Citizens on Patrol group and asked by the other to drop by soon for a longer visit.

Our daily walks allow us to meet strangers along the way, accept and invite handshakes and most heartwarming, get to meet with them again.

At the COP meeting, we introduced ourselves and settled amongst a group of like-minded friends. We all wanted to be protected, some by linked fences and electronic security systems, others by fellow citizens who drive around and watch for suspicious goings-on in the neighbourhood. What came to mind was my satisfaction that God protects us all.

Later that week, we enjoyed coffee and cake with the other neighbour. He and his wife began the conversation with an introduction to their religion. We listened with open hearts and when they felt satisfied that we understood, we invited them to our home. They accepted. After they had settled in, we introduced ourselves as Baha'is and explained a few of Baha'u'llah's messages. Since then, we've been meeting with them and their friends at the close of their church service when they congregate at the back of their church for fellowship.

"O that I could travel, even though on foot and in the utmost poverty, to these regions, and, raising the call of 'Ya Baha'-u'l-Abha' in cities, villages, mountains, deserts and oceans, promote the divine teachings! This, alas, I cannot do. How intensely I deplore it! Please God, ye may achieve it."  (From a letter dated 23 May 2016 written by the Universal House of Justice to the Baha'is of the World)

Blessed Is The Spot

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Baha'i Blog Challenge - Open Heart Conversation

Our excursions today included shopping for a few personal items, gathering the mail and visiting with a friend in the local assisted-living facility.

Our visit with the kindly gentleman was filled with talk of his family. He described all his adult children as determined go-getters and confessed that he could not take all the credit. He told us that his stay-at-home wife was the backbone of the group. After an hour, our visit was interrupted by a nurse who was scheduled to provide her patient with his bath.

We returned home satisfied that our first visit of many to come with this new friend was well received.

Out of the whole world He hath chosen for Himself the hearts of men—hearts which the hosts of revelation and of utterance can subdue.  (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 279)

An open heart is well received

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Baha'i Blog Challenge - Guidance, Encouragement and Support

Being a Homefront Pioneer became a very rewarding solution to our need to satisfy Abdu’l-Baha’s call to action. Our experience during our three-month volunteer assignment in Central Alberta included numerous telephone conversations and email exchanges with various members of the Alberta Baha’i Council. Each encounter was filled with guidance, encouragement and support. Although there is no manual for homefront pioneering, consultation with local Baha’is, groups, Local Spiritual Assemblies, the Cluster Coordinator, and Institute members and the Alberta Baha’i Council helped us manage our pioneer endeavours. 
The Consultation Look
We’ve summarised our first consultation this way:
  • Make contact with the closest Baha'is in the cluster and find out from those friends what is needed in the area.
  • Identify the Cluster Coordinator.
  • Send all receipts related to our Homefront Pioneer assignment to the Alberta Baha’i Council Treasurer.
  • Participate in whatever is already underway in the Cluster.
  • Communicate with the Council through the liaison and assistant.
  • Submit bi-weekly reports that include observations, barriers, recommendations and consultation information to the Alberta Baha’i Council.
  • Enjoy yourself.

Beyond such considerations, a consultative spirit pervades the interactions of those engaged in social action, of whatever size and complexity, and the population they serve. This does not imply that formal mechanisms are necessarily in place for this purpose. It suggests, rather, that the aspirations of the people, their observations and ideas, are ever present and are consciously incorporated into plans and programmes.  (Universal House of Justice, Office of Social and Economic Development, Social Action, 26 November 2012, p. 14)

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Reflections - Baha'i Blog Challenge

Neighbourhood Walkabouts

During our time as Homefront Pioneers in Rimbey, Alberta, our daily morning ritual with the five dogs and two cats began with releasing the animals from their overnight sleeping cages and sending them outside to relieve themselves. Our instruction from the homeowners was to go outdoors with them to keep them somewhat corralled.

As for the felines, herding cats is a common joke among owners so we let them be and set their water and food bowls on the picnic table. The little dogs returned to the house with enthusiasm and were rewarded with breakfast.

The large German Shepard was a bit wary of us in the beginning however, we soon developed a ‘friendship’ with her.

Friendly neighbours
After the pets were settled, Frank and I would head out with the big dog for our neighbourhood walkabout. If a neighbour happened to be outside we would speak with him or her. We thought this repeated pattern would allow us to be recognised as friendly neighbours.

[homefront pioneers] would yield greater effect if, drawing on the advice of institutions, [if] they were to direct their efforts to clusters, villages, and neighbourhoods within clusters that are the focus of systematic attention.  (adapted from a letter dated 23 May 2011 written by the Universal House of Justice to the Baha’is of the World, paragraphs 1 and 4)

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Reflection - Baha'i Blog

April 6, 2017, began with examining the Fire Tablet. Our study and meditation extended for a long while with the continued learning of Ruhi Book 6, Teaching the Cause.

Later, we reviewed and discussed the 8 March 2017/8 Loftiness 173 letter from the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Canada.

Afterward, we reviewed and discussed “Extracts from letters written by the Universal House of Justice regarding pioneering”, from a letter dated 23 May 2011 written by the Universal House of Justice to the Baha’is of the World, paragraphs 1 and 4.

We strongly believe that time dedicated to the Writings is a stretch well spent. The events fill us with great joy, confidence and guidance.

Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.  Tablets of Baha’ullah, Lawh-i-Maqsud

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Baha'i Blog Challenge - Service

Lacome, AB Hospital
On Tuesday, April 4, we took a short drive to Lacombe, Alberta, a community approximately fourteen kilometres east of our Rimbey-based homefront pioneer assignment. We had volunteered to visit shut-ins who live in the extended daycare facility at the hospital.

We spent a respectful short time with our new friend and he and Frank exchanged opinions and impressions about their having lived in Saskatchewan years ago.

Their bond was cinched when the mention of Crib, a fascinating card game, came up in the conversation. We promised that our next visit with him would include a deck of cards and a game board. He acknowledged the plan with the nod of his head.

Bird on a Wire - Pinyon Jay
Back at home base, we were tasked with filling the various bird feeders with seeds for the majority of the Finches, sugar-enhanced water for the pleasure of the Woodpeckers, and suet, that hard animal fat sometimes used for cooking – in this case, used to feed the birds.

That evening we rested contentedly.

An act, however infinitesimal, is, when viewed in the mirror of the knowledge of God, mightier than a mountain. Every drop proffered in His path is as the sea in that mirror.  (Bahá’u’lláh, Quickeners of Mankind, p. 4)

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Baha'i Blog Challenge

A Response to Abdu'l-Baha's Urging
A reflection of our Homefront Pioneers Experience

View from Township Road 422
On Monday, April 3, 2017, we arrived at our Homefront Pioneer destination. For three months we were housed in an isolated community thirty-five kilometres south-east of Rimbey, Alberta. We accepted an invitation to pioneer the area by the Alberta Baha'i Council.

We met several of the town’s people and introduced ourselves to them as newcomers. When one person asked, Why Rimbey? we shared that we were caring for a local couple’s home and pets. We added we were Baha’is who were hoping to learn about and participate in their community.

Later, at the dining table of the homeowners, we talked about the woman’s collection of protection idols such as her porcelain angels, voodoo dolls and gargoyles. She asked us how we felt about protection and how it was that we protected ourselves from the evils surrounding us. Frank took the opportunity to share with her that we are Baha’is and we protect ourselves with our Faith and prayers.

She asked, What is Baha’i?

Frank drew from his years of experience in the Faith and revealed to our listeners that Baha’is believe that we are now living in a new era where the most current prophet, Baha’u’llah, has provided to each of us messages that reveal the purpose of our lives in this time – to know and explore God’s spiritual virtues such as truthfulness, kindness, unity, love and justice. Our listeners came to the conclusion that if you are truthful, kind, loving and just, you are living a good life, a happy life.

Armed with the power of Thy name nothing can ever hurt me, and with Thy love in my heart all the world’s afflictions can in no wise alarm me. (Bahá’u’lláh, Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh, p. 208)